3 de noviembre de 2008

broken elbow

Last Saturday I fell off my bike. Fast, I was riding, and above the frame I went. A scratch in my right cheek, both my knees and palms. The worst of it: the radius and the ulna, bones of the forearm, both broken were they join in the elbow. Shattered. It was necessary to get me to hospital, where i waited for 4 days before they --the doctors-- performed surgery on me, replacing small pieces of bone by titanium plates. A lot of morphine for a few more days and finally out of the Austin Hospital to start recovery.

1 comentario:

  1. Diablos! Ha sido una semana de accidentes serios, también por acá hemos sufrido caídas severas de bicicleta, motocicleta, y demás.

    Que te mejores pronto, Omar.

    Un saludo grande y abrazo desde Guadalajara.
